Configuration and implementation software for dSPACE real-time hardware
ConfigurationDesk is an intuitive, graphical configuration and implementation tool, ideal for handling applications from small Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP) developments to large hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) tests based on dSPACE real-time hardware, such as SCALEXIO or MicroAutoBox III, including the implementation of behavior models and I/O function code.
ConfigurationDesk provides a clearly structured overview of the external devices (e.g., ECUs), configured real-time hardware, and the connected behavior models.
Application Areas
With ConfigurationDesk, you can easily implement powerful real-time applications for HIL or RCP scenarios. It allows for connecting Simulink® models, Functional Mock-up Units (FMU/FMI), or virtual ECU behavior models to I/O functions or bus simulation containers (BSCs), configuring the SCALEXIO hardware or MicroAutoBox III, and controlling the entire process for the generation of real-time code. You can optionally define and document external devices, such as ECUs, electrical devices, and loads, including their signal properties (descriptions, electrical properties, failure simulation settings, and the capacity of electric loads). With this input, ConfigurationDesk generates real-time applications that will be executed on the real-time systems.